College of Social Sciences, UH Mānoa

CSS Roundup – Spring 2025


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Anthropology Professor Christopher J. Bae is getting international media attention for finding a new human species, according to a UH News story on Bae’s recent research published in Nature Communications. Bae credits a new way of organizing fossil evidence for the breakthrough. He also serves as director of the UH Mānoa Center for Korean Studies in the College of Arts, Languages and Letters.


Geography and Environment Professor Brian Szuster recently brought his expertise to the heart of Bangladesh, empowering a new generation of rural development professionals from Asia and Pacific to help drive sustainable change. The initiative was funded through an $86,600 LuceSEA Transitions grant from the Henry Luce Foundation to UH Mānoa’s Center for Southeast Asian Studies, whose director is Miriam Stark, an Anthropology professor. Stark and Courtney Work, a UH Mānoa graduate affiliate in Anthropology, were awarded a three-year, $126,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. They are co-directing the project, “Of Water, Crocodiles, and Kings: Co-producing Kuy history in the Prey Lang Forest, Cambodia.”


Two Communication graduates from the School of Communication and Information recently celebrated stores on O‘ahu. Shiyana Thenabadu, who graduated with a master’s in Communication in 1994, opened a storefront for her business venture, Kailua Honey. Also, Kelly Tolar has launched a third location of her island lifestyle boutique, Coconut Ave, at the Ala Moana Center. Tolar earned an associate’s degree from Hawaiʻi Community College in 2018 and a bachelor’s degree in Communication from CSS in 2019.

Additional news stories from the College of Social Sciences.

CSS Roundup