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Housing First evaluation shows sustained positive outcomes


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The City and County of Honolulu’s Housing First initiative in partnership with the Institute for Human Services has demonstrated sustained positive outcomes through its second year. The Year 2 evaluation prepared by Jack Barile, associate professor in the CSS’ Department of Psychology, shows an overall housing retention rate of 89%, increased general health, and significant decreases in alcohol and drug use, arrests, and medical expenses for program participants.

The evaluation found:

  • 92% of clients reported never or rarely using drugs after one year
  • 80% of clients reported never or rarely using alcohol after one year
  • Clients were 64% less likely to visit the emergency room
  • Clients were 74% less likely to be admitted to a hospital
  • Clients had a 21% improvement in general health
  • Clients were 55% less likely to be arrested after one year
  • Clients were 61% less likely to be arrested after two years
  • Clients had a 96% increase in connections to a community group
  • Clients had a 38% improvement in hope for the future

“Honolulu’s Housing First Program continues to successfully house individuals with a history of homelessness,” said Barile. “This has been achieved through a concerted effort to respectfully engage and support individuals’ transition into housing. The building of trust, support and ties to meaningful community groups has led to the sustained success of the program. We ask that all Honolulu’s residents continue to respect and support all members of our community in order to improve the lives of all.”

After two years, Housing First served 214 people in 135 households, including 48 children. The majority of clients were single men and the average age of a client at intake was 45. Only 18 program participants were no longer stably housed after two years, including 5 people who were incarcerated. As of January 2017, there were 177 people enrolled in program.

The Housing First model places people experiencing homelessness directly into permanent housing and provides supportive services necessary to help each individual remain housed. There are low barriers to entry and sobriety is not required in order to obtain housing, but clients must follow house rules in their apartment like any other tenant. Case managers are available 24/7 to help clients and landlords resolve any issues. Households participating in the city’s Housing First program were all experiencing chronic homelessness prior to placement, which means they were experiencing homelessness for a year or more and have a disability.

Jack Barile
Jack Barile