Storied Native Hawaiian navigator and explorer Nainoa Thompson will be recognized as Honorary Geographer of the Year when the American Association of Geographers (AAG) holds its 2024 annual meeting April 16-20 at the Hawaiʻi Convention Center. The Department of Geography and Environment (GEO) in the College of Social Sciences at UH Mānoa is the lead organizer in Hawaiʻi.
AAG, headquartered in Washington, D.C., has 10,000 members worldwide and was founded in 1904.
Over 100 sessions will be scheduled per day involving panel discussions, paper presentations, workshops and meetings – with formats either in-person or streaming – on a wide range of geography topics, including economic geographies, climate and environment, medical geography, and technical topics. Themes in 2024 are Reciprocal Scholarship, Colonialism and Resources, and Recovery and Restoration.
On the AAG Presidential Plenary panel is Aurora Kagawa-Viviani, assistant professor of GEO and the UH Water Resources Research Center, and a member of the Hawaiʻi Commission on Water Resource Management. The session listing may be viewed at until a week before the conference.
“We are so honored that AAG has selected Honolulu to host its annual conference, which regularly draws thousands of international attendees,” said Reece Jones, an AAG Fellow and professor/chair of GEO. “Since geographers explore both the Earth’s surface and the human societies spread across the planet, Hawaiʻi and its multicultural persona is the perfect place for geographers to gather, and to recognize Nainoa Thompson as AAG Honorary Geographer.”
AAG encourages high school teachers and students to contact the organization directly for special conference rates. Educators, and high school students over the age of 18, may also be eligible to serve as paid Conference Assistants to defray the costs of their registration. Contact for both opportunities. For a glimpse of AAG’s sessions related to education and career opportunities in geography and the environment, see