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Mānoa Academy: Beijing introduces Hawaiʻi youth to other cultures and world views


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The College of Social Sciences remains dedicated to giving Hawaiʻi high school youth global opportunities that will open their horizons and position them to thrive. Mānoa Academy: Beijing is a key part of this effort. Read on to learn more about the experience from one of this year’s participants.

Nikki Zamani – Lahainaluna High School, Maui

Studying in Beijing with the Mānoa Academy during the Summer 2018 semester was an extraordinary experience that I am extremely lucky to have been a part of. I joined this program because I have always held a strong interest in traditional Chinese medicine and health practices. I have previous experiences with gua sha, cupping, and transcultural health care, and this sparked my interest in the program. My dream is to become a physician, and I believed this program would help me be more culturally competent as a healthcare professional.

Seeing the Chinese lifestyle firsthand while learning about the history through our lectures at Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), cultural experiences, and visits created a new perspective. I learned more about China during the two weeks we were there than any textbook could have ever taught me.

In addition to learning about Chinese health care, we were able to have a first-hand experience with the rich Chinese culture. We interacted with our new local Chinese friends that we made at BFSU, ate authentic Chinese cuisine, and saw historic sites.

This experience highly exceeded my expectations. I was blown away by China’s rich culture and highly advanced technology. The hospitality and kindness we received from the local BFSU students and staff was out of this world, and I will never forget it.

I am extremely thankful for BFSU, Hanban, Office of Confucius Institute, and Hawaiian Airlines for making this amazing experience possible for University of Hawaiʻi students. I really appreciate their outstanding hospitality, kindness and generosity.

I returned home to Hawaiʻi more culturally aware with a new perspective and deep respect for China. Embracing the differences of Chinese culture has made me more appreciative of diversity. I am extremely grateful to have acquired this knowledge at my age. This experience was priceless, and I am so grateful to be a part of such a strong program.

Additional news stories from the College of Social Sciences.

Nikki Zamani
Nikki Zamani