I had the honor of attending a new and wonderful event in December at Dean Hall: The CSS Senior Tea, which recognized our most recent graduates from Fall and Summer 2024. Celebrating such success at our College is always uplifting and motivating.
We proudly highlight more examples of success in this CSS Spring 2025 newsletter. Meet our two new associate deans, Wei Zhang and Jack Barile, who will be leading our efforts in academics and research, respectively. In addition this spring, faculty and graduate students will benefit from a statewide workshop, run by two CSS senior advisors, who will be “teaching the teachers” about Sustainability.
There’s more good news: Our College is the beneficiary of a major donation from Fujitsu Corp., which has created an endowment of almost half a million dollars to support our continued engagement in the global community. And our students continue to excel and soar, as demonstrated by Palauan Shuri Chibana, who – along with her siblings from Palau – is thriving on campus, thanks to an Aloha Pathway specifically designed to smooth admission from throughout the Pacific and beyond.
This new year is starting out with more excitement than usual. Welcome 2025! Let’s continue to grow and win.
Denise Eby Konan
Dean, College of Social Sciences