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New Economics Program lets students earn a combined bachelor/master degree


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The Department of Economics recently launched a new program that offers undergraduate students the opportunity to begin a master’s degree (MA) while completing a bachelor’s degree (BA). By leveraging overlaps in courses in the BA and MA programs, students may double count up to 9 credits toward both degrees. This accelerates the time-to-degree timeframe and allows a student to graduate with a bachelor’s and master’s degree within 5 years instead of the traditional 6-year period (four years for bachelor’s followed by two years for master’s), saving time and money for the student.

Admission to the combined 5-year BA-MA in Economics is typically done in the Fall semester of a student’s junior year. Conditional early admissions during a student’s sophomore year or late admission in the senior year may also be possible. Find more information on the new combined 5 year BA-MA in Economics at the University of Hawaiʻi.

ECON Faculty Nori Tarui
ECON Faculty Nori Tarui