To acquire a quality university education, then to leverage it for a fulfilling career: That is the heart and soul of why students seek degrees and certificates from CSS. Learn how to apply and enroll at UH Mānoa, then move gracefully through services including financial aid guidance and access to a career center that provides jobs, workshop training and counseling.
The Academic Calendar provides a comprehensive list of key deadlines and important dates for students attending UH Mānoa.
Information about academic standards in a student’s progress toward a degree.
Information, resources and guidance about the UH Mānoa application and admissions process, including an FAQs page.
Constantly updated database of UH Mānoa classes, reflecting class day and time, instructor name, location and seat availability.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), as amended, establishes requirements regarding the privacy of student records.
Financial Aid offers guidance to obtaining financial support, ranging from scholarships and grants, to loans and federal work-study opportunities.
The Honors Program offers students a multiyear experience of coursework and a research or creative project, under faculty guidance.
Providing convenient places to study, including the internationally recognized Hamilton Library and Sinclair Library Student Success Center.
The Mānoa Career Center provides resources for student jobseekers, including a jobs database, federal work study opportunities, career counseling and valuable workshops.
The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program helps undergraduate students engage in faculty-mentored research and creative work.
MyUH is a one-stop shop with university forms, apps and news, featuring one-click access to services for students and employees.
Native Hawaiian Student Services is part of UH Mānoa’s Hawaiʻinuiākea School of Hawaiian Knowledge.
The Office of the Registrar functions as the hub for registration while serving as the steward of student data and records, including how to order transcripts.
Pre-Health and Pre-Law Advising Center is a friendly walk-in resource center for those interested in learning more about the study of law, medicine or health sciences.
Program Sheets are advising tools for students on their academic journey.
Readiness Self-Assessment for Online Learning is a short readiness activity for prospective online students that includes an emailed report and helpful resources to prepare for learning.
The Scholarships and Fellowships Office supports students interested in scholarship and fellowship opportunities for domestic and international study, research, and professional development.
STAR is a degree-audit platform featuring an easy-to-navigate registration system that automatically shows courses needed for timely graduation.
Guidelines and policies relating to the University of Hawaiʻi Systemwide Student Conduct Code.
Student Employment is an online job service that actively connects students seeking on-campus or off-campus work with employers looking for solid workers.
SEED offers educational opportunities and support services for a wide range of undergraduate and graduate students.
Student Success and Learning Assistance Centers offer free online and in-person tutoring and academic coaching, writing project assistance, and other student-centric programs and services.
Student Support Services offers personalized academic planning and advising to support the retention and graduation of first-generation college students.
Online (writing, math, science), Learning Emporium (math, chemistry, information and computer sciences, physics), and Writing Center (writing consultations free of charge to UH Mānoa students).
The UH Mānoa Catalog is a comprehensive guide to programs, courses, services, tuition, financial aid, faculty, facilities, academic policies and other info.
Quick access to various policies and procedures including the UH Mānoa Student Conduct Code.
Supporting student success by ensuring basic needs security for all.
The UH Whistleblower Hotline enables individuals to raise concerns regarding suspected unethical and/or illegal conduct or practices without fear of retaliation.
Overview of requirements to obtain an undergraduate degree from UH Mānoa.