College of Social Sciences, UH Mānoa
College of Social Sciences, University of Hawaii at MānoaCollege Logo
College of Social Sciences, University of Hawaii at MānoaCollege Logo

Beijing Foreign Studies University in China

Aloha Pathway in Social Sciences 1+3

Under this program, students complete one year of coursework at BFSU, focusing on foundational subjects that align with the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s curriculum requirements. Upon completion of their first year, students may transfer a maximum of 40 credits toward a degree at UH Mānoa. The Program provides a robust international education experience that combines the academic strengths of both institutions.

Possible majors:

  • Anthropology  
  • Pre-Communication*   
  • Communicology   
  • Economics   
  • Ethnic Studies   
  • Geography and Environment   
  • Journalism  
  • Peace Studies  
  • Political Science   
  • Pre-Psychology*   
  • Sociology  
  • Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

*indicates pre-requisite courses needed for these majors


  1. Direct admission to the Bachelor of Arts (BA) program and Social Sciences majors. 
  2. The prestige of being affiliated with a premier research university consistently ranked in the top 1.5 percent globally.
  3. Scholarship Opportunities. Participating students with a GPA of 3.3 are eligible to apply for the International Merit Scholarship valued at approximately $16380 per year.
  4. Concierge advising services.
  5. Opportunity to earn up to 16 UH Mānoa credits, free. These UH Mānoa ‘back-credits’ are granted in recognition for fluency in a second language (for example, Chinese). Certain conditions apply.
  6. Streamlined application to expedited MA programs in Economics, Public Administration, or Urban and Regional Planning.


  • Earn 18-24 transferable credits at BFSU.
  • Achieve a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or better.
  • Score TOEFL (iBT) 100 or IELTS (Academic Section) 7.0 to begin studies with no additional language requirements.
  • For students with minimum English scores of TOEFL (iBT) 61 or IELTS (Academic) 5.0, admission may be granted with additional English language placement exams at the UH Mānoa English Language Institute (ELI).  If students fail to pass such placement tests, they will be required to take extra academic English classes at ELI.




  • 人类学
  • 传媒学预科*
  • 交流学
  • 经济学
  • 伦理学
  • 地理与环境
  • 新闻学
  • 和平研究
  • 政治科学
  • 心理学预科*
  • 社会学
  • 女性及性别研究



  1. 直接录取夏威夷大学本科。顺利完成在北京外国语大学本科第一年的基础学习课程后将被直接录取为UHM社会科学学院本科生。
  2. 便捷申请本硕连读。学生可便捷申请UHM经济学、公共管理或城乡规划三个专业的本硕连读项目。
  3. 多种奖学金项目。其中包括UHM国际优秀本科生奖学金(GPA达到3.3以上可享受学费的优惠,相当于一年16380美金的学费减免)。
  4. 全面完善的学生辅导服务,包括本科大一至大四期间的学术辅导和在UHM期间的学生生活指导。
  5. 有机会获得16个免费学分。该免费学分的奖励是基于学生熟练掌握除英语外的一门其他语言(比如汉语),以此冲抵UHM外语课学习的学时和学分。


  • 顺利完成在北京外国语大学国际商学院第一年的本理科基础课程。
  • 在北京外国语大学获得最多40个可转入UHM的学分。
  • GPA至少达到2.5以上(含2.5)。
  • 达到机考托福100分或学术雅思7.0的学生不需要在UHM上学术英语课程。
  • 达到机考托福61分或学术雅思5.0的学生可以有条件录取到UHM。但学生需要参加学术英语入学考试。该考试若没通过,学生需要在UHM-ELI语言中心修学术英语课程